Please complete this form by December 31. Married couples please complete separate forms. Your membership with GIGI will remain active only if we receive your renewal form(s) by December 31. GIGI reserves the right to cancel membership status in the event of failure or refusal to abide by the requirements set up by the Board of Trustees.

Please Note: (*) Indicates a Required Field; the form will not be accepted unless these fields are filled in.

    To which address do you prefer mail to:

    [text* [text pdf-field-all-cell-phone-Q2VsbCBQaG9uZQ]

    * In what field of ministry are you currently involved?

    * ITINERANTS, please check the area you specialize in:

    If you are in TRANSITION at this time, please explain:

    Please give a brief summary of your ministry activities this past year including healings, salvations, etc., and special outreaches of your church or ministry.

    * In the past year, have you:

    If you have answered yes to any of the above questions, please give an explanation including dates and details (Attach a separate sheet if necessary):